Modular Stand Design

What is modular stand design?

As the name suggests, modular stand design consists of interchangeable frame parts. These frame parts are easy to assemble and when these are fully put together, the stand becomes a strong construction that can be used to support banners, sheets and panels that are designed according to your house style. Because of this flexibility, modular stand design can be improved endlessly, whether it resolves enlarging the stand in its height and width. This means you can participate at any location and still profit from your stand design.

What are the benefits of modular stand design compared to traditional stand design?

Reusable and sustainable

Compared to traditional stand design, modular stand design is a more sustainable option. This is because traditional stand design predominantly uses wooden structures that are only used once. These traditional designs are often only specifically made for one conference location and participation. Alternatively to traditional stand design, modular stand design utilises aluminium frames that can be reused countless times at different conference locations.

Simple and easy to use

A modular stand can easily be assembled and taken apart in a safe manner. Because of the easy to use connection points, and the lightweight of the materials, the handling of the stand is much less labour intensive compared to traditional stands. This also means you need less workers to assemble the stand, saving you a lot of money.

Very suitable for international conferences

Modular stands are very well suited for the participation in international conferences. Modular stands are very well suited for the participation in international conferences. This is because of the light weight of the materials which makes transport costs much cheaper when travelling to international locations. In some cases stand design parts can even be transported on aeroplanes which makes it even easier to participate in international conferences.

More frequent conference participation means lower costs

Companies that participate at conferences regularly are more likely to use modular stand designs. In fact this is also the more popular choice. Opposed to traditional stand design, only one investment is needed for modular stands. For the next conference, it is highly likely that the only design component you have to change is the exterior, such as the banners and panels.

Why should you choose Dutch Expo 360?

Is the use of modular stand design allowed at all conference locations?

Most of the conference locations allow the use of modular stands. There are some regulations which include that the height of the stand cannot be higher than the maximum allowed height. The below listed locations (in the Netherlands and Belgium) allow the use of such stands:

How much does a modular stand cost?

A modular exhibition stand is available in different price ranges.
At Dutch Expo 360 we are happy to advise you on the best option for your needs, requirements and expectations.
Request a free quote online or contact us for a personal consultation.

For whom is modular stand design most attractive?

Dutch Expo 360 recommends modular stand construction if you participate in an exhibition (at home or abroad) several times a year.
Also when you visit multiple trade show locations and have to meet changing dimensions with your trade show stand, modular stand construction is a good investment.
During a
Our advisors are happy to discuss any opportunities with you in a personal meeting.

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In a personal, no-obligation meeting, we would like to show you what Dutch Expo 360 can do for you. In order to provide you with the best possible service, we prefer to meet you in person. Based on your needs, goals and budget, we will provide a no-obligation quote for the most suitable booth.

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